
So I have been so totally bad keeping up with JTL. Part of me thinks of "hanging it up" and the other part of me doesn't want to let go of what I created here. I do have some friends that I have made along the way that I hope will be around for a long time. Then the other part of me thinks damn I am SO freaking busy...

Honestly I have been spread pretty thin now having 2 children and just a heck of a lot of craziness going on when I am at home. I have been cooking and baking a lot more which is something I really enjoy doing. It is very rewarding hearing Em compliment me. I have also been playing Webkinz with her too which has been pretty fun.

I am planning my baby's first birthday which freaks the crap out of me considering it seems like yesterday I was pregnant. It saddens me she is growing up and will lose the technicality of being a baby, but will always be my baby no matter how old.

So that kinda sums things up in a nut shell... I am torn...

Farewell #4...

It was announced yesterday Brett Favre will be retiring from the Green Bay Packers. When I heard the news I was so sad. I knew Brett had been throwing around the idea of retiring for several years. So it was inevitable, but true fans of Brett always hoped for "one more season".

I will miss watching games cheering him on or yelling at the television for a bad play.

Thank you for the memories. You made me proud to be a Cheesehead. You will be missed.