Another fallen hero...

Yesterday Cleveland buried another officer shot in the line of duty. Jason West was 31 years old responding to a a domestic call. At the age of 31 he was already a detective. He had drive. He had what it took to be a wonderful officer and his life was cut short.

Today I was driving through the City of Avon, Ohio. West was buried in Avon. The streets were lined with luminaries and business signs paid their respect to their hometown hero. I cried. It was so sad to realize how short life really is.

Jason, I never knew you, but may you rest in peace brother.

Please take the time to watch these video clips. It is truly moving!

*At the end of this film it says David's casket was in here... It was an error on the producer's part.


Lord I ask for courage

Courage to face and
Conquer my own fears...

Courage to take me
Where others will not go...

I ask for strength

Strength of body to protect others
And strength of spirit to lead others...

I ask for dedication

Dedication to my job, to do it well
Dedication to my community
To keep it safe...

Give me Lord, concern
For others who trust me
And compassion for those who need me...

And please Lord

Through it all
Be at my side...

--Author Unknown