
Yesterday an enormous storm blew into the Mid-West. In my morning commute it was slow going, but nothing out of the norm. I will admit I was a little scared though. I knew that once I got to work, I'd have to get home (somehow). Cleveland drivers have a hard time with weather conditions. If it's sunny, raining, snowy, etc. The only time there seems to be no trouble is when there are clouds covering the skies.

I had it stuck in my mind that I would be leaving around lunch to get home before all of the snow hit us. I then decided to stick it out until around 2 or 3 in the afternoon. I then got a guilty conscious thinking I should stay. Our office finally decided to close at 4. I was out of there at a snail pace, but on the road nonetheless. It took me over an hour to get home which is normally a 20-25 minute commute, which isn't bad. Here's a correspondent in downtown Cleveland this morning.

I pulled into my drive-way and basically got stuck in the snow. My garage is being used as a storage area at the moment while we are doing some remodeling in our basement so I have been parking outside for a few months. This is one of those days I wish I had the warmth of my own garage.

In some cities they declared a level 3 emergency, which means only emergency vehicles are allowed on the roadways. My office closed today. That never happens. I was trying to come up with a reasonable excuse not to come in and my boss called me and said not to come in. I was grateful. I didn't want to drive and put my life in some jerks hands to get to work. So thank you!! In our area there are 645 closings for schools and businesses. Check them out here.

Waking up this morning I looked outside my window and looked at my truck.... It's going to take a big 'ole shovel to get it out!

Today we will be digging out, making snow angels and sipping hot chocolate.