Plethora of Thoughts...

Well... today is your lucky day as I have a lot to talk about!!!

A little bit of me fading away...
I will start off with the easy stuff... I forgot to make mention that in my first week of my new diet program that I lost 9 pounds!! Yes! I was so proud of myself. Now I need to get back on track since life has been crazy the last week.

Fall Fun Fair...
This morning Emily had a Fall Fun Fair for her pre-school today. Ok, I realize that the things for kids are a little hokey, but come ‘on! I even showered for this! She was so excited to go. I woke up and she greeted me by shouting, "MOM, DON'T FORGET WE HAVE THE FALL FUN FAIR TODAY AT MY SCHOOL!!” Oh, how could I forget I am thinking? I figured that the teachers had this cutesy day planned which they did, to a 4 year old!! (I guess that is all that matters!!) So Em and I get ready for "school". We leave and we walk into her school, which I love. The murals in there are so amazing! I wish that I could be in pre-school again. There are about 20 people there collectively including teachers, parents and children. I pick up Em's envelope and read what is inside. We have to go to different stations to complete these perilous tasks! First one was getting a tattoo!! Ooohh!! Just what Emily wants. Which I know, because she told me when she gets older she wants a tattoo just like her momma! The next station was floating ducks. You pick a duck and on the bottom is a number and you get a cheesy prize respective to the number drawn. She got a silly pumpkin junky thing that will break within a day. Next we went to the bean bag toss which was hard as hell!! The holes were so small so we nursed them into each hole and for that, we got an eraser!! The excitement is building now! Following the bean bag toss we went to the Hula Toss where you stood on 3 disks reminiscent of the Bozo show. You threw the hoop around a pumpkin and if you got all three you won... A PENCIL!! Em did very well on that... She got all three in one shot each! That's my girl!! Then we went to the coloring station and colored a picture of an apple and left with a sticker!! Whoo-hoo! Lastly to end our exciting afternoon we did the Monster Bash where the kids walked in a circle and instead of stopping on a chair they stopped on a disk, again, and then they took away a disk until a child won. Emily won that one along with the other participants and she got a bendable monster toy. The toys were really junky, but I do understand that there is a budget. But all of this crap is going to end up in the garbage anyways. So I am not unappreciative... Just irritated that I have to throw away more shit!

After the Fall Fun Fair I decided since it's a crummy 50 degrees here and rainy that I should be a good mother and buy my child a coat. She had a nice hooded jacket or now they are called hoodies from Walt Disney World earlier this year.

So we went to Kohl's looking for a new winter coat! Holy crap are kids coats expensive!! The coat I got Em was $80! And she wanted 2 of them! I decided to foot the extra money for the combo coats so she could have the 4 in 1!

I then got her any my nephew flashlights for Trick-o-Treating... Aren't they cute?! When you hold the handle in the back their mouths open up and the Count says, "Bwhahahaha!" and the Ghost says, "Boo!" I couldn't pass them up.

My 900# phone sex voice...
Ok I get a call from a "special person" yesterday... "Herbie", is what he calls himself as joke name, he says, "Yabadaba doooo!!! Hi hot lips!!". What does one say to that? I then say thanks "Herbie". What can I do for you?? Well I want to get my $200,000 irrevocable letter of credit released from my bank. And calling me hot lips with get you farther I am thinking? All the while I am flattered that I could even be considered "Hot Lips"! I tell "Herbie" that I have to make a call to New York and go from there. Well try calling this guy and start F-Bombing him because I don't want to pay for this anymore! Um, ok I'd call, but he's not there today. I have tried to contact him once today and he will be back in the office on Monday. "Herbie" goes, oh ok... We then start to talk about the weather and how crummy it's starting to get out. I said that I don't like the winter because of the time change and you lose the sun. "Herbie" said you need to move inside to indoor sports then. I didn't even want to go there... Horny construction men!! I will tell ya!!

Well I think that is enough for now... Until next time!!

Thanks for getting through my entire post!!